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PHIL 140

Contemporary Moral Issues

Beginning students with the University will generally start by taking some lower level courses, irrespective of their main academic goals and interests. PHIL 140 is of importance to all beginning and advanced students in most degree schemes. It is available to all students who are interested in such areas as the Humanities, Social Sciences, the Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Business Administration, Law, etc.

The course introduces students to some of the contentious issues in Moral Philosophy as reflected in certain social concerns of modern society:
abortion, euthanasia, the death penalty, gender and racial equality, obligations towards future generations, among other things. The course also seeks to confront students with some theoretical insights that can be applied to the assessment of the principal questions that define most societal issues and inter-human relationships.

Philosophy is committed to the ability and duty of language to uphold truth. Similarly, since the need to articulate ourselves effectively and to convince others about our beliefs always depends on the nature and structure of the language used, the course will also address some issues of language: the basic elements of valid arguments, and their relationships to human understanding.

A more detailed description of the subject and the related class agenda are provided within the accompanying course syllabus which students need to have - at the latest, by the first meeting or week of class. The scope of the course does not presuppose any previous knowledge, and terms become defined as they are introduced. Assessment is by means of a midterm progress examination and a final examination. Good passing grades are A, B, and C. Normally, all students are expected to work hard to earn any of these.

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