Welcome to My HomePage
Patrick Dua, M.A., Dr. phil.
Adjunct Professor - University of Maryland in Europe
Please, look around and be inspired !
I first developed this site in 1997 to provide students with useful academic information dealing with my teaching fields. Such students usually took various courses with me either at the Mannheim Campus of the University of Maryland (till 2005), or at the other dispersed venues featuring University of Maryland University College courses in Germany. Enrollment in UMUC Europe courses is open to academically qualified members of the U.S. Armed Forces, American employees of the U.S. Government, and their family members. UMUC Europe education centers and facilities are hosted by the U.S military communities located across Europe.
The past decade has witnessed a dramatic increase in the offering of distance education and hybrid courses. The significance of individual home pages for professors, as we enter the second half of 2011, has also risen correspondingly in proportion to the increase in web-based course offers. Online students have a particular need for basic course information or other materials to help them with their selection of courses to take.
Of course, this kind of professor home pages was not very common in 1997 when I first designed my original. But after more than ten years, my kids had taken pleasure in bringing the fact clearly home to me about how old-fashioned my previous website was! This therefore was what compelled me to convert my original website into the completely revamped settings that you are now reading. Actually, the internet itself as a mass phenomenon was only slowly emerging in 1997. So my site was seen back then by many as an impressive specimen of web-presence grandstanding!
In any case, the mission of the University of Maryland in Europe since 1949 has been to provide academic programs to members of U.S. military communities throughout the European command. UMUC courses are organized centrally by the European Headquarters located in Heidelberg, Germany. Further information concerning the Maryland in Europe program or academic resources can be obtained at the appropriate websites.
Under normal circumstances, any of the COURSES listed below may be taught by me, if they happen to be on offer:
Last Update: July 2013
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